Project Reflection
I never thought I'd say this, but I think I'm going to miss this project.
These past few weeks, I have seen highs and lows of stress- points in which I think I'm the coolest filmmaker to ever walk this Earth and others in which I want to pull my hairs out when an effect doesn't work the way I intended.
Although the process of starting this project was especially difficult for my group, we managed to sort things out before filming began and everything has come together since. I never thought I'd learn this much from this assignment- not so much technically, but rather how to plan and organize a lengthy piece, and I am so proud of this product that I'm going to add it to my portfolio. I've also had the chance to practice writing an ACTUAL story (not one that I forget about in a day), and having to plan a piece according to said story. For once, I was forced to think about the bigger picture and allow that vision to sway my creative decisions.
I am mostly going to miss writing these blogs (whoever is reading this and judging me, let me grieve). But, alas, all good things must come to a halt, so we must part ways soon, my three loyal fans on this site.