Sunday, April 10, 2022

I'll Miss You

"Under Construction" Components


Social Media:

Postcard Front: 

Postcard Back:


Critical Reflection

 Critical Reflection

Here is a link to my critical reflection:


Snip, Snip

 Snip, Snip

Editing has been great so far. Well, minus my hard drive port breaking yesterday and my hard drive malfunctioning today. Other than that stuff, editing has been going swell.

Using my script and storyboard, I line-edited my piece. Sequencing everything together was relatively easy, but I had so many gigabytes of footage to work with that the video thumbnails were barely loading, which slowed down the process.

When I finished line-editing, I saw exactly what I was expecting.

Way over five minutes.

Like, by double.

"Under Construction" in its entirety ended up being over 10 minutes long, but luckily for me, many of my scenes were total fluff.

Here are some scenes I chopped for the rough cut (though I will provide the full cut if you'd like to watch that one!):

-Bike riding scene

-Police questioning scene

-KJ and Lola's interaction

-Most of Elijah and Lola's montage

With these scenes cut, the film is now approximately 8 minutes long, with some extra time left for the end credits. I do strongly prefer the full-length version, especially because of Ryan's hilarious acting, but I am also proud of the shortened version.

Before I get into color correcting and grading, here's a cute photo of my current timeline:


Saturday, April 9, 2022



Just a quick update for you guys. It is Saturday and I am at Maya's house. She invited me over so we could edit our projects together and eat ice cream, and that sounded like a great time, so here I am.

Well, everything was going great. We got the ice cream. We sat in bed. We talked about the projects.
And then I tried to show her my current edit and...


The port for my hard drive broke. The hard drive containing all of my footage from this project.

Luckily, there is another port, but I'm going to need to get a new cable called "eSATA," which seems to be really outdated because I can't find it ANYWHERE. I'm ordering the cable on Amazon, and it should get here tomorrow.
I'm really hoping it works, or my next blog post is gonna be me dressed as the Joker and violently crying.

Friday, April 8, 2022

I Am Really Extra

 I Am Really Extra

My brain has hurt so much during this project. I have overthought every decision. I spent an hour and a half figuring out each character's individual color psychology and costumes. I scavenged for the perfect music that would match my theme with lyrics that people won't even pay attention to. I took forever with choosing the right names for my characters and drove myself crazy for a little while because I didn't want to choose the names of anyone I knew because what if they think the character is based on them? I-

Look. Please read this blog post. I beg.


All the Symbolism, References, and Color Psychology In "Under Construction"

    In my film, I've made many decisions regarding symbolism, references, and color psychology to add meaning to my piece. And I've compiled a full list, just for you.


    In "Under Construction," I aimed to present the story of a girl named Lola being sexually assaulted and attempting to recover from the traumatic incident. I did not want to present the cause of her trauma in a graphic manner, however, as this could be triggering to some members of my target audience and a graphic scene would not add anything to my piece, as the incident itself is not what matters, but the healing afterward. 


    The phrase "Under Construction" refers to something being broken and in the process of being fixed. This is representative of Lola attempting to "fix" herself mentally after being sexually assaulted. During her flashback scene, I portrayed the feeling of violation by displaying Lola covered in construction tape. Lola feels as though her body has also been violated, and is therefore also under construction itself.


During the therapist scene, a pillow can be seen on Ms. Hayes' couch that reads "My Happy Place." The pillow is blue, which portrays a sense of loyalty and trust that Lola has seemed to grant her therapist nearing the end of the piece. Not only is this an extra blue accent, but a symbol of coping. In this scene, the idea of "My Happy Place" is seen through a therapist's office, though it can be different for others depending on their own experiences.

...Such as Lola herself throughout points of the film. In the extended cut, we see a scene of a character named KJ suggesting that Lola consumes a "more intense" alcoholic beverage. In this shot, the "My Happy Place" pillow can be seen again, but this time in a bright red color, representing the dangers of coping using substances.  We hear from Lola's therapist that she has been drinking to cope, and this pillow alludes to the idea that Lola has found her own "happy place," though unhealthy, in alcohol.


"Under Construction" represents the cycle of healing through a cycle of night and day. Following the initial therapist scene, the first flashback takes place at sundown as Lola heads toward the park to meet with an unknown person. It can be inferred that this is the same park in which the next flashback occurs, as she sits in a park during the night. As the film progresses, we see her go through the night (the party scene) and back to day (the bathroom scene). 
The bathroom scene presents the false illusion of recovery with the daylight, which is immediately broken with a match cut to her in the park again as she experiences a flashback.  Her scenes with Elijah also take place during the day, as the comfort she has with him has helped her heal, maintaining her in a state of "light." In the final flashback, however, we are met once more with sundown, with another shot of the lake with the sun setting from the beginning of the piece. This depicts the cycle that Lola is experiencing with her healing, and from her final voiceover, it can be inferred that she will fall through another dark time after the end of the film.


In our first flashback with Lola, we see the shot of the sun setting over a lake, representing her right before her tough time of the night.  If you pay attention closely, you'll notice Lola's body fades into a swan swimming over the lake, headed in the same direction. This represents Lola herself, as swans represent self-love and clarity. Given that this was right before her assault, Lola was capable of self-love.
At the end of the film, two swans are shown to represent Elijah and Lola at sunset, this time symbolizing two romantic partners. This foreshadows Elijah's interest toward Lola that would end sour.



Saturday, April 2, 2022

Consistent Branding... How?

Consistent Branding

This week, my Media Studies teacher (shoutout TSTOK) gave us a lesson to guide us in writing our critical reflection. During her presentation, she mentioned that students tend to have difficulty with maintaining a "consistent brand."

She made sure to urge us that this is not out of us being complete utter failures, but rather because creating a consistent brand takes a lot of skill. There's people literally employed to do this.

However, I feel as though I should really focus on this more from now on. I've got my technicalities sorted out regarding filming and editing, so I think it is time to reevaluate what my brand is and how I will present it.

"Under Construction" is the story of a teenage girl following a sexual assault, and depicts the inconsistencies within the healing process. We see her "highs" through her experience with Elijah, and other highs and impulsive behavior are implied through her use of alcohol. Her lows are depicted through her interactions with her therapist and her breakdowns. At the end of the piece, Lola struggles to understand the proper step to take to move forward in recovery, as she feels trapped in the cycle of highs and lows.

My brand aims to normalize the difficulty of the healing process, and to depict the various emotions associated with recovery. I want to make sure my brand remains consistent, so I'm going to plan out how I will depict my brand's identity through each part of of the project.


Match Cuts

Match Cuts

Within my script, I have many scenes that incorporate flashbacks, especially in fast-paced sequences or montages. Since my initial draft, I knew that I wanted to utilize match cuts within my film to maneuver between the main scene and Lola's memories. I feel as if this creates more meaning than utilizing a cross-fade transition or black-and-white coloring, as a match cut can evoke a sense of unity between these scenes. Adding familiar traits to both scenes and having a seamless transition between them presents the idea that Lola in her flashback and Lola in present-day are one. 

Since Lola is early in the recovery process, it would not make sense to have her appear as an entirely different person since her assault. Though some people cope with change, this isn't the case for everyone, and many still feel as though they are the same person they were when they were violated. 

These match cuts also represent just how deep-rooted trauma can be. Lola in present-day is still united with the woman she sees in her flashbacks. provides a list of trauma responses after sexual assault or abuse:

  • Intrusive or unwanted thoughts or feelings.
  • Very upsetting or painful emotions.
  • Low mood, feeling upset or being irritable.
  • Suicidal thoughts or feelings.
  • Physical feelings, including feeling sick, sweating or shaking.
  • Aches, tension or pain in parts of the body.
  • Self-harm or self-harm urges.
  • Alcohol or drug misuse.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Sexual problems – for example, low sex-drive or pain during sex.
  • Avoiding certain places or things that remind a victim or survivor of the traumatic event.
  • Becoming withdrawn and isolated. Or not wanting to do things they used to enjoy.
  • Feeling anxious, worried, ‘on edge’, uneasy, panicked or scared. After trauma these feelings can be extreme, long-lasting and overwhelming – what is known as 'hyperarousal'.
  • Flashbacks: vivid memories of a traumatic event that feel like they are happening now.
  • Sleep problems: these include insomnia (not being able to sleep) or nightmares where the victim or survivor might feel like they are reliving sexual violence.
  • Panic attacks: these can be caused by anxiety. They are different for everyone but common symptoms include having trouble breathing and feeling dizzy, light-headed, sick, weak or shaky.
  • Dissociation: when the brain tries to detach from reality as a way of coping with trauma. It might feel like daydreaming or an ‘out of body’ experience.

The symptoms in bold/gray present those that Lola will explicitly depict during my short film. Flashbacks is a major symptom that Lola experienced, which is defined by

A flashback is when memories of a past trauma feel as if they are taking place in the current moment. That means it’s possible to feel like the experience of sexual violence is happening all over again. 

Utilizing match cuts allows me to reinforce the idea that Lola is suffering from a flashback, as the similar angles and seamless transitions depicts that she feels as though her past trauma is taking place presently.

Here is my first match-cut that I have edited. I'm really proud with how this turned out, as I've never really attempted a match-cut before.


Thursday, March 31, 2022

Let's Talk... SYNERGY!


Last week, I mentioned for a brief moment that a possible collaboration was brewing between "Under Construction" and an organization.

Well... we've got a green light, so I can finally tell you guys about it!

Last year, I learned about a new student-led organization in my school named "Survivors Speak Up," which aims to provide an outlet for survivors to heal and learn to speak up on the issue of sexual assault. Their Instagram page is very similar to mine in terms of focus, and their overall message supports my film greatly. Lola is a character who struggles with speaking up throughout the piece, and she is meant to portray the lows in the recovery process. This aligns well with Survivors Speak Up's teachings on the inconsistencies within healing.

Take a look at one post from Survivors Speak Up's Instagram, and one from Under Construction's.

To help support Survivors Speak Up and Under Construction, I have set up two interviews with the founders of the organization. I plan on editing these interviews fully to help advertise the organization, and I will put snippets in my own Instagram.

Here are some questions I have thought of for the interviews so far:

1. Why do many survivors struggle to speak up?
2. Does recovery come in waves? Are these waves similar for everyone?
3. What can the "high highs" and "low lows" of healing look like?
4. How can we motivate others to speak up during these difficult moments?
5. How can you support a friend or family member that is struggling in the healing process?


Tuesday, March 29, 2022


Now for the Painful Part: Editing

Hey guys! Today I decided to start working on the line edit of "Under Construction" as I wait for my actors' availability to open up to continue filming. I specifically put together the "bathroom breakdown" scene followed by the fast-paced montage.

But Sabrina, isn't it dangerous to edit the climax of your film without knowing how the rest will turn out?

Well... yes. But let me have some fun, okay?

I'm not too worried about inconsistency within my film as my entire piece is about inconsistent emotions, and I'm willing to allow the film's editing to depict that, even if it absolutely pains me. Juxtaposing slower and faster-paced scenes is something I have worked on before, but never to this degree, so this is a little out of comfort zone. 

Despite this, the line edit is turning out great. I followed the guide I made for myself last week and luckily there were no continuity errors!!!! Sound the alarm!

I also organized about 70 templates for color grading that I will be choosing between once the final line edit is complete. Color grading is one of my favorite parts of editing so I'm just trying to speed things up so I can focus on that (because heaven knows color grading takes forever).


Saturday, March 26, 2022

Updating the Instagram + Future Plans!

Updating the Instagram + Future Plans!

Hey guys! I got back home from a concert yesterday, and decided it would be a great time to start working on my film's Instagram page.

I want to continue the motif of lightness and darkness that is presented in my piece, so I decided that my format will go like this:

-All of my posts will have a colored background, with all of the posts in a single line matching in color.

-The background will change in color every 3 posts, slowly turning into a lighter color. This will create a gradient effect.

-I will alternate between promoting the film and sharing advice and awareness on survivors of sexual abuse/assault.

I already posted my first three posts, which depict stills from the park scene as they have a very dark background and serve as the main iconic "sequence stills." The first post depicted a quote from the film, as the third one. I also utilized different perspectives from my shots to create a nice symmetry. This is hard to explain in words, so have some photos:

Next week, I will begin posting healing advice for survivors and their friends/family, and posting character spotlights on my story and keeping them under an Instagram highlight.

Also... a future collaboration is brewing with my short film. I will be teaming up with an organization at my school, but I'll tell you guys about that next week once I have some more details set in stone.


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Filming the Second Scene

Filming the Second Scene

Today, Virginia and I filmed a second scene from my short film. We decided to record the bathroom breakdown sequence that occurs during the climax of the piece, and everything went... suspiciously smoothly. 
She was able to get into character very quickly, so after she did her makeup as I set up the boom microphone and camera, it was a painless and easy process. 
Since I want this scene to feature fast-paced editing and depict derangement, I made sure to get many shots from various angles. I took photos of stills from the scene at the park and recreated them as much as I could to allow for clean match-cuts. 

After filming, I took some notes on ideas I have for editing.

The scene will begin with Virginia slowly fading into focus. The bright lights from the windows in the background create a false sense of recovery, especially since this scene follows the therapist asking Lola if she is okay. I want this shot to be slow in comparison to others, as this ethereal view followed by the fast-paced, darker edits will be a great juxtaposition.

This shot of Lola actually starts from the reflective silver lining of the mirror (was the silver lining on purpose? No. Is it a cool reference? Absolutely) and pans toward her. She slowly comes into focus, which would be a great follow-up shot after the first ethereal one. In this shot, she stares at herself in the mirror and begins to wash her hands. The camera tilts down to her hands, and back up to the beginning of her breakdown.

This shot is a composition replicate of the shot at the park, which will allow for a seamless match-cut to serve as an introduction to the flashback scene. She stares at the camera, breathing heavily.

Absolutely love this closeup. It allows the audience to take a closer look on her eye-makeup, which I will emphasize in editing using color correction. It contrasts well with the background and match cuts, continuing the idea of contrasting emotions during healing.

Okay so. Let me explain myself here. When filming, I began with a very shallow focus on the water running from the sink, but I had the sudden urge to tilt down into the drain. The lens on my camera was struggling to find a focus point here due to the movement and shallow depth-of-field, so the focus seems to "blink" a couple of times, which made the camera feel strangely alive. Though this is considered to be a "mistake," I really like this, especially since her character is so deranged at this point that focus is not really my main "focus" (ba dum tss).
Also, I wish to take inspiration from the movie "Psycho," which depicts a drain followed by the closeup of an eye (two shots I have!). Although this wasn't planned, I think making a reference to Psycho would work here, especially since Lola is in a state of peak vulnerability.


Creating the Poster

 Creating the Poster

Hey guys! This morning I decided to put on some true crime documentaries and work on my movie poster. 

I knew that for one of my poster's (the YouTube thumbnail), I wanted to have a dark background that contrasted with the character, as I am building a motif of juxtaposing light and darkness. So, I started off with a simple black layer.

To get the right shade of black, I used the eyedrop tool to capture the darkness of the stills I was using.

Next, I opened up separate tabs on photoshop and cut out three stills of Lola. When filming, I made sure to get various perspectives, so I chose shots that would allow for these multiple photos to face away from one another. 

For the font, I initially chose a font perfectly titled "Under Construction" from, but I felt as if this took away from the serious topic of the piece. I decided to go with a plain font and utilize a white-to-gray gradient to continue the motif of light and dark intertwining. 


Monday, March 21, 2022

Filming the First Scene

 Filming the First Scene

Hey everyone. After a long, and I mean LONG day of filming, I have finally returned to the comfort of my bed, and I get to tell you all about it.

This morning, I worked on my friends Isa and Kim's documentary project. We did a long sit-down interview followed by hours of filming b-roll. I'm really excited to see how their project turns out.

After, I met with Virginia to prepare for the caution tape scene. I wanted this scene to be dark with a spotlight on her, so we set up three lights around her. We used a fill and a key light to illuminate her, and a back light to separate her from her body.

We took some shots of Lola from all directions to allow for easy match cuts between scenes and some variety. During editing, constantly switching between these shots from multiple angles may emphasize the character's derangement. 

Next came the fun part: the tape.

We loosely covered Virginia in caution tape and took some close-ups. As Isa managed the camera, I slowly raised the brightness of the "police lights" setting on my light kit via the GVM app. This created the illusion of a police car getting closer.

Applying the caution tape loosely around Virginia allowed us to create the illusion of it being "alive." Off-screen, I pulled on the tape, which created tension against her skin and made it appear as if it was crawling up her arms and neck.

For safety reasons, Virginia signaled to Isa and I when the tape was becoming too tight.


Saturday, March 19, 2022

Creating the Instagram

Creating the Instagram

Hi guys! I just toured a college, but I'm back now!

Today, I created the Instagram for my film's main source of promotion. The username is "underconstructionfilm," and on here I will be posting behind the scenes photos, revealing the cast, and raising further awareness to sexual assault. 

So far, I've followed some accounts that raise awareness to the film's cause, such as "feminist," "," and "niceforwhatmvmt." I also reposted niceforwhat's post about coping through a trauma anniversary. 


Friday, March 18, 2022

Jammin' Out

 Jammin' Out

Hey guys!

To better plan out how my music will work with the rest of my piece, I have made some videos that play the music alongside the script so I can ensure the actors speak at a good pacing.

Here's the party scene, which will be using Alessia Cara's "Sweet Dream" as the background song. I am still finding a song that will work for the therapist sequence.


Check Out Some Music Updates!

Music Updates!

Hey! Be sure to check out my previous post "'A Different Order Than Usual..." for some updates on my music choices! I got some good recommendations from my peers, and I'm excited for you to hear about them.

Here's the new list for possible music choices:
1. Lover's Rock - TV Girl
2. Pigeon - Cavetown
3. Sweet Dream - Alessia Cara
4. Dark Red - Steve Lacy
5. All Along the Watchtower - Jimi Hendrix

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The Script (Gasp!)

 The Script

Hey everyone! I am pleased to say that I have completely finalized my script. Some very subtle changes might be made throughout the production process, but the idea is complete!





The distance between us, is it okay?

LOLA nods.


Do you want me to move forward, back?

No- no, you’re okay there.



LOLA twiddles her thumbs, avoiding eye contact.

MS. HAYES sets her notepad aside, placing her blue pen down softly. 


Lola is a beautiful name.

LOLA (forcing a smile)

Thank you.

MS. HAYES leans forward, attempting to establish a connection. Her arms rest on her legs, her palms facing outward.


Do you have any nicknames?




Lola is walking outside, making her way to her bicycle. She is talking on the phone.


Yeah, I’ll meet you at the park soon.

She laughs.


Quit being so impatient.

I’ll be there soon.

ELIJAH (waving)

Hey, Sunshine! How are you?

Lola waves back, smiling.



Sunshine? That really suits you.


I get that a lot.


I’m sure you do.

So tell me, Sunshine, where do we start?


There are closeups of the bicycle Sunshine was riding. Very quick snippets of her getting to the park that abruptly cuts to:

LOLA sits on the ground of the empty park. She clings to her knees. There are flashes between her clothed and covered in caution tape. 

Police sirens can be heard in the distance, and red/blue flashes of light begin to reflect from her skin.



A flash takes a photo of Lola. Her face is bruised and there is some leftover mascara underneath her eyes.

This photo is then pulled down to reveal Lola sitting in a conference room. 

OFFICER (off screen)

Did you recognize the person that did this to you?

Lola does not respond. She licks her lips, as if to prevent dryness.


Lola, we need you to answer our questions.

CLOSEUP of Lola’s face. She appears very uncomfortable, slouched in her seat.


There is a backlit figure that represents REDACTED. His face is not shown.

Closeups of different parts of his figure are shown, such as legs, shoulders, shoes.



She is not being compliant.

I don’t know what to do, she isn’t answering.

CLOSEUP of Lola shows her breathing heavily.


Their clothing has changed. Time has passed since the last session.


There is only so much I can do, Sunshine.

I need you to talk to the police. It’s been a month now.


I don’t know who he is.


That is not what you told me last week.


…I don’t want to tell them.

MS. HAYES sighs, nodding. She picks up her notepad. There are some more notes on it now.


Are you still drinking?


Music blasts from the speakers. Disco lights flash against red solo cups.

SUNSHINE walks into the kitchen, looking over at a red solo cup on the counter. She hesitantly inches toward it, picking it up.



No, I quit a while ago.


That’s good.

You see, when someone goes through trauma, they may use
alcohol to self-medicate, which damages…

MS. HAYES’ voice drains out as the party scene returns.


SUNSHINE sits on the couch, sipping from the cup.

KJ falls back next to her, a cigarette in hand.


Hey, Sunshine.

What do you have in there?

SUNSHINE (chuckling)

Fireball, I think.


You know whiskey is for shots, right?

SUNSHINE’S eyes widen.


Solo cups are for beer.


Oh, yeah. I know.

She looks down at her cup.


I’m just trying to black out tonight.

KJ laughs.


YOU. Are crazy.


I know.

There is a short pause. Sunshine takes a sip.


So what’s going on with that like,

You know, the case.

Sunshine takes another sip.

Did the cops ever figure him out?


No, they haven’t yet.



I’d beat his ass if I could.

Sunshine nods exaggeratedly. 




All of this is just so crazy.

You know, I…

KJ’s voice drains out.


Their clothing has changed. Time has passed since the last session.


I don’t normally suggest medication, but I think you should see a psychiatrist.

LOLA slouches into her seat.


There is only so much I can do if your biology is not in control.


I don’t-

I don’t need medication.


There is nothing shameful about medicine.

It can really help you with your depression.


Ms. Hayes, I-



Lola stares intensely at herself in the mirror. Tears run down her cheeks.

Her hands shake against the counter.

The following scene flashes (match-cuts) between the park, the party, and the bathroom. They are in slow-motion.

The park snippets display Lola on the ground covered in tape. Close-ups show the caution tape as “alive,” writhing around her body like snakes.

The party scenes show her tumbling around the house party and taking sips from the solo cup. Another shot shows her emptily staring at the camera as she sits on the couch, slouched.

When it cuts back to the bathroom, her mascara is fully running down her face.

LOLA (mouthing)

Oh my god.

She begins to cry more intensely, sliding down the wall and hugging her knees once more.

The music fades out.



Do you really think that you’re okay, Lola?

Lola’s face falls.

After a pause, she shakes her head no. Her lip quivers.


I know some very good psychiatrists.

Do you want me to write down their contacts for you?

Lola nods.




Lola looks over at her medication. This shot mimics the one with the red solo cup.

She walks over, picking up the bottle.

She takes her medication.


Their clothing has changed. Time has passed since the last session.


I’m doing a lot better.


Oh, that’s so great to hear.

LOLA (nodding)



So tell me, what have you been up to?



Sunshine can be heard laughing.

A skateboard appears on screen that she is riding on.

A montage plays of her and Elijah riding their skateboards, hanging out, laughing. They change outfits between some of these to show time passing.


You’re a lot of fun.

LOLA (giggling)


Elijah has a cigarette in hand.


Yeah, I like you sober.

Lola looks over at him, tilting her head.


Yeah, I’m a big hypocrite. I know.


We can stay sober together, you know.


I think I’d like that.

Lola smiles.



This Elijah sounds nice.


Yeah, he really is.


I’m really proud of you, Lola.




Yes, of course.

It’s so wonderful to see you building trust again.

Your improvement has been… astronomical.

Closeup of Lola’s expression. She nods.


Thank you.


A two shot displays Elijah and Lola sitting side by side, with distance between them.


Hey, Lola?




That guy, you know, Redacted?

Lola looks at him.


Who was it?

Lola freezes.

There is a pause.


I’m sorry, I-

I thought you were ready.

Elijah reaches for her hand to comfort her, but she pulls away.

He looks awkwardly at the ground.


Sorry. I’ll just-

I’ll wait in the car for you.

Elijah stands up and walks off, leaving Lola on her own.


The truth is, I really don’t know how to recover.

I’m not sure if I’ve even improved at all.

A montage plays over her VO, displaying her crying in the bathroom, taking her medication, and laying down in the park.


I feel like I’m always so close, but I just fall right back down. 

How do I admire the colors in the sky when I can see the sun falling beneath the horizon?

Lola sits on the ground in the park. Mascara runs down her face.


How do I fix this now?

Closeup of her blinking.


I think it’s about time I do it.


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"Under Construction" Components Video: Social Media: Postcard Front:  Postcard Back: