Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Some Updates

 Some Updates

Hi guys! I just wanted to share a few updates.

Update 1: After speaking to Virginia and Maya, I am glad to say that they will be the main actresses of my short film! I am excited to see how they work together to help tell this story, and we will begin filming this week.

Update 2: I have finalized a location for the main therapist scene. I will be using my own living room, as there is a more secluded/closed couch, and an open couch on the other end. If you read my last blog, you know that I wish to use tighter shots to represent the reserved, tense nature of the main character, and wider shots to portray the openness of the therapist.

Update 3: I have figured out a title for my piece! Given that there are some repeated shots with yellow tape in my film, I decided to play upon this idea for the title. Originally, I was thinking of "Do Not Cross" to match the police tape that will be used during an intense flashback. However, I felt as if this does not truly portray what my film is about, which is recovery and learning to cope healthily. I have decided on "Under Construction," and I even have a new idea for a scene. When the therapist speaks with the main character about recovery, the yellow tape covering the main character will once again appear over her voice, but this time reading "Under Construction," rather than "Do Not Cross." This will represent how she is allowing others to help her through this difficult time rather than shutting herself out.



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